U Prep

I can’t even express HOW MUCH I ENJOY shoots just like this one. Enthusiastic people who want to make a difference. Kids who are super cute (most of the time!) and whose lives will be changed forever. Justin Beiber backpacks. Little black shoes and khakis. Raised hands. Freshly sharpened pencils. The smell of people making a difference!  And me – just creeping in the background as a photojournalist. I love it! I love just capturing moments as they happen instead of having to create them. I love getting a pass into places that are otherwise off limits for your average citizen. Heck, even the board members and parents weren’t allowed inside these school walls this first week! And there I was, camera in hand like a VIP pass.

These photos are all from the historic first days of school at University Prep in Denver, a school that believes in taking minority/underprivileged children and believing in & educating them all the way to college. In fact, if a child speaks softly in the Kindergarten class to answer a question, they will be told “Use your college voice.” And the principal stands out front to greet and shake hands with each student every morning. I love it. I love what they’re doing here at U Prep. A big thanks to them for letting me be a part of this, and a big shout out to Katie Skattebo for putting in a good word for me 🙂

full slideshow of the highlight reel can be seen here. (i’m kinda proud of this one) 🙂



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