[Pic of the Week] : We’ve all been there.

But seriously. You’ve been there. And that’s really all I have to say about that. EXCEPT to confess that pickles and coconut still elicit this kind of response from me. How about you? Happy Friday, y’all 🙂  Eat something that makes you happy.

I just returned last night/morning (3 am…) from a short trip to Haiti with VisionTrust International and Help Portrait. We went as a team of photographers to…
Cara and I had been trying to work together for some time. She’s also one of my oldest friends here in Colorado Springs. She’s always been so…
You might say that my job satisfaction is running high this week. On Wednesday, I was able to not only cross something off my bucket list, but…
Life in Colorado is all about adventure. It’s half the reason people end up here. That’s good news for me, since I’m a bit of an adrenaline…
I can’t say it enough: I love the things you capture while in the midst of trying to capture other things. And if we focus too much…
It’s Friday. I hope you feel like this. And I hope you look up Hillary Hand on iTunes and buy her amazing jams. She’s one heck of…