[pic of the week] : little sister for the win.

Snagged this one on a recent trip to Illinois. I was watching my dear friend’s kids playing around in the backyard, and even though I was finally “off duty” after 2 full 8 hour days of shooting, I couldn’t help but grab the camera and join in the backyard fun. When I saw this one, I thought “Yep. That’s the position every little sister would like to be in.”  🙂   Happy Friday, y’all. Happy summertime!

Dager kiddos-6763ps – I LOVE how my 85mm lens gets all those water droplets! Makes me wanna kiss it.

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You wanna know why I’m posting this as the pic of the week?  Well, you’re reading my blog so I’m going to assume you do 🙂 I’m…
Snagged this one on a recent trip to Illinois. I was watching my dear friend’s kids playing around in the backyard, and even though I was finally…