What? It’s Friendship Week?

I found out through my famous blogger friends (Beth & Megan) that this is apparently friendship week. And, unlike National Rice Pudding Day or National Wiggle Your Toes Day, I kinda feel like this week is something special. I mean, why shouldn’t we honor our besties? And, since I just scanned a bunch of film from our Film Friday excursion in Nashville last month, nothing seemed more appropriate to blog about 🙂

Shea and I met our freshman year of college. 1st day of class. 1st class of the day. 8 am Drawing. And it took us several weeks to actually have a conversation, mostly because I thought she was a mom but we won’t get into that now… Because once we started talking, we never stopped!

We have shared jobs, beds, friends, food, cars, trains, planes, hostels, ideas, hugs, scalp massages, art galleries, and countless other things. She’s been with me through all seasons of life. She also started her photography business about a year before me (bysheaphotography.com), so she graciously put up with all my interrogation about how to run one: “What editing software should I get? How much should I charge for things? What lens should I buy? What if the phone stops ringing and I starve?” And I just know I wouldn’t be where I am today without all her love, creative energy, patience, and generosity. Oh, and her hugs of course, which are second to none. So here’s a few shots of us playing around in Nashville and doing what we love. Happy Friday, y’all 🙂

(images shot on Pentax 645n)

4 months pregnant 🙂
playing with prisms for the first time!
Film Friday in Nashville
it was SO hot. so hot. Thank God for public fountains.
please pardon my awkward looks… we were nervous having a stranger hold the camera!


007-storyboard with the Hassy.

009-storyboard 010-storyboard 011-storyboard

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But seriously. You’ve been there. And that’s really all I have to say about that. EXCEPT to confess that pickles and coconut still elicit this kind of…
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