Being the photographer for COPPeR is a thing that I love. They do so many wonderful things in our community by keeping arts organizations connected and by hosting, which is a website that will tell you all things artsy going on in Colorado Springs. They are awesome! But what I also love are the events I am privvy to because of my relationship with them. They are always so fun to shoot!

This 4th of July, they asked me to photograph the COS Philharmonic performing at the US Air Force Academy before the big fireworks show. I was not aware before the event that I would need some sort of special pass to get onto the field, so luckily I ran into Roslyn Block of the Philharmonic who graciously gave me her extra performers’ pass. Next thing I knew I was down on the football field and climbing onto the side of the stage getting to play with my new 85 mm lens (that I’m in love with)! My wonderful roommates tagged along for this event, which was SO fun, so I’ll have to include some shots of them enjoying the fireworks 🙂 If you’re looking for something to do next 4th, I highly recommend this event– great music, a little dancing, kids painted red, white, & blue, and a breathtaking fireworks display! (just don’t try to bring in a water bottle that’s already been opened… or your own cooler… or snacks… or weapons… or fireworks… or puppies… *sigh*)

Once in a blue moon, your passions can combine…   and there is much rejoicing!   I have been leading a Bible study with some local high school…
Oh, the freedom. The freedom of uninhibited childhood that allows us to wear tutus and let our bellies out and lick every last drop of funnel cake…
Now I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Eagle Lake is beautiful at all times. This photo shoot took place at Eagle Lake Camp, which is…
I can’t say it enough: I love the things you capture while in the midst of trying to capture other things. And if we focus too much…
I was asked by the Colorado Springs Business Journal to photograph their Women of Influence for 2015. It was a huge honor and something I really enjoyed….
Magical. Mind-blowing. Like another planet. I think Jenny put it best. She turned to me in the car on day 2 or 3 and said, “This place…